Friday, February 4, 2011

The Unoriginal Sinner and the Ice-Cream God

"That's the trouble with growing up. When you're a kid, a puddle's a puddle. But when you're an adult...its just a spot of rainwater with nowhere to go."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm Gonna Retire To The Hamptons

I've had my IRA for 2 days and I've already made almost $50. Let's hope for that continuing economic upturn!

Too bad this isn't money I can actually use any time soon. Getting paid on a regular basis rocks!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is my old scanner/printer sitting on top of my new scanner/printer.

My god.

I had enough trouble finding a place for the little one.

Thank You Mr. UPS Man

New scanner, yay! Can scan and print up to 11x17 (not that I usually do my own printing, but maybe it'll be better than my old printer). The box was sitting on my door when I got home. It is so large I could barely get around it to open the door. And then I could barely lift it inside the house. Up the stairs... I don't even want to talk about it. But now it's here. It's in my studio. All shiny and new and big. Let the playtime commence.

Phase 1 Is Complete!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Website

I pretty much revamped at least half of my website- tell me what works, and more importantly, what doesn't. It's always a work in progress. The main page, especially, will need to be redesigned at some point, but that's the gist of how I want it to look.

Post comments, please!